On Wednesday 20th May I’ll be reading a new commission, inspired by St Clement’s Churchyard, alongside five other fabulous Manchester writers.
7.30pm @ PROOF, Manchester Road, Chorlton, Free entry
Part of Chorlton Arts Festival.
On Wednesday 20th May I’ll be reading a new commission, inspired by St Clement’s Churchyard, alongside five other fabulous Manchester writers.
7.30pm @ PROOF, Manchester Road, Chorlton, Free entry
Part of Chorlton Arts Festival.
Outbreaks of Rain is a TippingPoint commission, which came out of Weatherfronts: Climate change and the stories we tell – a conference organised by TippingPoint in collaboration with FreeWord and Spread The Word. Continue reading
Inspired by Exyzt’s The Feasting Mouth, a communal oven and dining table, I will be in residence at Skirt of the Black Mouth, Southern Landscape Tate Modern, Sumner Street: 15-17 July & 11-15 August 2014. Continue reading
I was one of eight writers commission by the Centre For New Writing at Leicester University to create new work inspired by the post-industrial lives of buildings in Glossop and Leicester. I explored the history and current uses of the Howard Town Mills in Glossop. My five flash fictions are available to read online.
I am over the moon to have my first ever published poem, Limestone, included in the third issue of Butcher’s Dog. It’s a beautiful journal, well worth a fiver!
I am really pleased to be part of the WoMentoring Project, started by novelist Kerry Hudson, which launches today.
The WoMentoring Project exists to offer free mentoring by professional literary women to up and coming female writers who would otherwise find it difficult to access similar opportunities. Continue reading
Last night I was one of 12 Manchester writers reading new work inspired by lost Manchester buildings as part of Manchester Histories Festival.
I wrote a piece called FORT, inspired by this photograph, recently unearthed by my dad. Continue reading
I was delighted to be ask to write a guest blog post with my good friend Tessa for the website, Something Rhymed, an exploration of literary friendships by writers Emma Sweeney and Emily Midorikawa. Continue reading
I have just returned from a week in London,where I led a seminar on writing and place at the Bartlett School of Architecture, revisited some old haunts and caught up with friends.
My trip coincided with the paperback publication of Ten Things I’ve Learnt About Love. To mark and celebrate that, I thought I’d repost a series of pieces I wrote as part of Word Garden, my Secret Garden Project residency in 2011. The pieces evoke each of the five homes I inhabited in London, in exactly 100 words. Continue reading